Qualification Programme

The RTG offers an extensive qualification programme including different trainings, events, and activities to provide its candidates with a solid foundation in linguistic theory and research methods.

The qualification programme includes:

  • weekly RTG seminars and reading group meetings
  • a Winter School
  • bootcamps
  • workshops
  • an international symposium organized and planned by the researchers themselves
  • optional training events, such as international placements, international conferences, external summer schools, teaching shadowing and experience, language training, and many more.

We strive to teach the candidates crucial skills for the field and to create a culture in which the researchers are confident presenting their own work. By hosting and visiting events with renowned scholars from other universities and from FAU as well as external participants the researchers get to build a network early on. The candidates organize the weekly seminars and reading group meetings as well as some of the events themselves, which aides them to develop important organizational skills and insight knowledge.