Dr. Elodie Winckel

Dr. Elodie Winckel


Chair of Language of Cognition (Alexander von Humboldt-Professur)
Department of English and American Studies

Bismarckstraße 6
91054 Erlangen

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Training Group “Dimensions of Constructional Space” of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, where I am currently working on a research constructicon. Construction Grammar sees grammar as a network of form-meaning pairings, also called a (mental) constructicon. The researchers in the Research Training Group all work on different projects and constructions. We want to create an open-access database for the academic community in the form of a research constructicon that brings together and interconnects constructional descriptions as well as the researchers’ experimental results.

Research interests

  • syntactic complexity
  • information structure
  • experiments and psycholinguistics
  • relationship between grammar and cognitive factors
  • constructicography

My Ph.D. Thesis was about so-called “islands” phenomena, i.e. constraints on fronting (especially “subjects islands”), where I adopted a empirical approach (corpus and experimental studies).

Frameworks: HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) and Construction Grammar.


I got a PhD degree at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Université Paris Cité (as binational cotutelle) in 2021. My advisors were Prof. Stefan Müller & Prof. Anne Abeillé.
My dissertation, “French subject island: empirical and formal approaches” is published in Language Science Press (https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/362).







A full list of publications can be found here: https://islands.hypotheses.org/publications